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The Clever Goat - Moral Stories - Improve Reading skill | RapidEng - Learn Spoken English

The Clever Goat

            In Navapur village. In the house of a farmer, there was a goat named Neelu. She had three kids. She was always worried about her kids. Because there was a wild forest at the edge of the village. She was worried that. her kids would go near the jungle while playing and become the feast of wild animals. Worried from this thought the goat always used to guide her kids, to never go towards the jungle. 
        But one day the goat’s kid hears. Conversation between the farmers son and the shepherd. In the jungle there is lots of green fodder everywhere. Hearing this the kid wishes to see the fodder,and he silently goes to the jungle. When mother goat realises this. She gets tensed and she goes in search of her kid.

          While playing he wanders slightly in the jungle. At that moment 3 to 4 hyenas surround him. Seeing this the kid gets scared and starts crying loudly. Trying to call his mother. Watching this all the hyenas start laughing.

First Hyena -  Wow!! What a delicious meal. I wish we found him day before yesterday.

Second Hyena - Why so?.

First Hyena - Because it was my birthday. The party would have been more fun.

Second Hyena - Never mind we can have a belated birthday party.

         Seeing the goat she comes, Hyena says

       Seems like our belated party would be over-weighted party. Yeah with 250 gms a whole KG free. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Goat - Stop laughing. or the king lion will come and eat you all.

First Hyena - THE LION KING-Why?.

Goat - What do you think why I left her alone in the jungle. Because the king lion ordered me, to not leave this place with my kid, till the king lion arrive and if you will try to eat me or her. Then the lion king will not let the four of you live.

Second Hyena - How would the king know that we have eaten you.

Goat - Do you think the king is a fool?. He is the king of the jungle. Look at the mighty elephant the king has left him to keep an eye on us. You can eat both of us if you want now.

         "Hearing this the hyenas were worried and they start discussing amongst themselves. Mighty elephant will definitely tell the king about us. So what should we do now?. Saving our life is the best thing to do. Betraying the king is not a good idea. Lets go. Saying this the hyenas left."

      The mother goat starts rushing with the baby goat towards the village. As they go a little further. Suddenly they see the lion King. Lion king roars. Seeing this the baby goat gets scared. The lion jumps right in front of them in a single leap. The frightened mother gathers courage and says. Stop lion king or else the lioness will get upset.

Lion - Where is the lioness?. Silly goat- Do you think yourself as the lioness?. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Goat - No,I am talking about your lioness.

Lion - My  lioness?.

Goat - Yes. Do you think am I am here with my kid in this dangerous jungle for a picnic?. No I was caught by the lioness and she asked me to wait until she returns. Today,I will cook you and your kids fresh meat for my king.

Lion - Why should I believe you?.

Goat - Don’t believe me!. But later don’t blame me when the lioness gets upset and if you still don’t believe me. Ask the crow, the  lioness has left him to keep an eye on me and if you still don’t believe me. Ask the crow, the  lioness has left him to keep an eye on me. If anyone will harm me crow will inform the  lioness and the lioness will get angry. If you want you can try to scare the crow. he won’t leave. After all it’s the lioness orders.

        "Hearing this the king lion roars trying to scare the crow. The crow just slightly moves. Seeing this the goat quickly says."

Goat - It’s of no use. the faithful crow will follow the lioness order at any cost.

Lion - You are right the crow is here to keep an eye on you. He is not moving from this place. Who will disobey the lioness  it’s better if I leave. The  lioness is anyway preparing the dinner for me.

        Saying this the king lion leaves. As soon as the lion leaves. Mother goat runs towards the village with her kid. As they go a little further. The queen lioness appears in front of them. Seeing them the  lioness roars.
The frightened baby goat hides behind his mother.

Lioness - Wow the king lion will be happy with your tender meat tonight.

Goat - I am impressed by the love that you have for each other. Both of you are trying to make each other happy.

Lioness - What do you mean?.

Goat - Every day you make dinner for King. Today the king has planned dinner for you by hunting us.

Lioness - Why did he do not hunt you then?.

Goat - Because he planned a fresh dinner for you. He said I want to give the lioness a fresh treat by hunting you. Really?

Lioness -  Is this what he’s planning for me?.

Goat - Yes just go to the cave. The king will come and take us.

Lioness - Okay but what if you run away as soon as I go.

Goat - I will not run. The king has left rabbit to keep an eye on me. Wherever I go, he follows and give my reports to the lion. Is that right Mr. rabbit?. Did you see how he responded to my voice?. He has his eyes on us.

Lioness - Okay I will go and send the king.

       "Saying this, the lioness leaves. The mother goat looks around and runs towards her village with her kid. Without stopping she runs towards the farmers house where she lives. Other children are  happy to see their mother and brother returned."

First Child - Mother you went to the jungle. We were scared. What if you got into trouble?.

Second Child - We ran into lion King, lioness and the hyenas. But mother saved me from all of them.

First Child - How ?. How did mother fight them?.

Goat - Children, With strength you need wisdom and patience to survive. Always remember one thing. Never be scared of problems. Always use your intelligence and patience to overcome all your problems. This is the way to overcome the most difficult problems.

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