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10 Different ways to say 'You are welcome' with explanation - RapidEng Learn Spoken English

10 Different ways to say 'You are welcome' with explanation

      Hello English learners, today we will tell you that you can use 10 different words instead of 'You are welcome' because you are bored speaking to the same phrase 'you are welcome'. Today you will learn how to replace the phrase 'You are welcome' with other words with examples. Using these words, you can impress your friends, family members, your teacher and your boss with your English.

These 10 phrases are the following : 
  1. Any time
  2. You are truly welcome
  3. Don't mention it
  4. Not a problem
  5. With pleasure
  6. Anything for you
  7. You would have done the same
  8. Glad to help you 
  9. Happy to be your service
  10. It was nothing
Now explanation of these phrases that where to use them.

1. Any time : - 

      When you help someone, he speak to you Thank you.
Then instead of 'you are welcome' you say 'What's in it any time'.

Example - 
He - Thank you for giving me this pen.
You - What's in it any time.

2. You are truly welcome :-

     When you draft your boss's mail in the office or do something to them, they tell you thank you.
So you will say you are truly welcome sir.

Example :
Boss - Thank you for drafting my mail.
You - you are truly welcome sir.

3. Don't mention it :- 

      When your neighbours come to pick up something in your house, salt or sugar is exhausted in their house and it is night time all the shops are closed, they say that a little sugar will be there, you will say yeah of course. He will say thank you so much then you will say Don't mention it i have done a small job.
      Use it when you have not done any great work so you can use it instead of you are welcome.

Example :
Neighbour - a little sugar will be there.
You - Of course.
Neighbour - Thank you so much.
You - Don't mention it i have done a small job.

4. Not a problem :- 

    You are in your office and you neighbour or person who is not very close to you is asking for some help by call you although you are busy in the office, yet you get the phone and help them, they say thank you so much you receive my call in your office hours.
    So you would say not a problem, it was my lunch break.

Example :
Neighbour - Thank you so much you receive my call in your office hours.
You - Not a problem, It was my lunch break.

5. With pleasure :- 

     If your friend has come to dinner at your home and has made a great meal for him, when he says thank you for giving me such a good dinner, you will speak with pleasure means you are very happy to feed you in serve.

Example :
Friend - Thank you for giving me such a good dinner.
You - With pleasure.

6. Anything for you :-

      This phrase will speak to you someone for whom you are ready to do anything. Be it your friend, Girlfriend, Boyfriend or anyone who is very special to you.
       Think your girlfriend has to go take your tuition class and she has no car nor scooty nor a vehicle. So she speaks to you by call please will you drop me tuition class today. So you'll say anything for you instead of you are welcome.
       When you drop them, they will tell you thank you, you can also say anything make you smile.

Example :
your Girlfriend -  please will you drop me tuition class today.
You - anything for you or anything make you smile.

7. You would have done the same :-

      When your friend tells you can i borrow your car please. So you say yes sure i don't needed today. So he'll say Thank you so much. So you would say ' You would have done the same'.

Example :
Your friend - Can i borrow your car please.
You - yes sure, you would have done the same.

8. Glad to help :-

    When some say thank you for giving me your dress. you say glad to help.

Example :
Your friend - Thank you for giving me your dress.
You - Glad to help you.

9. Happy to be your service :-

     This is an office phrase. If you helped your boss and then he say thank you then you must say happy to be your service sir.

Example :
Your boss - Thank you for this.
You - happy to be your service sir.

10. It was nothing :- 

     If you have been to dinner with your friend before you pay bill your friend pays your bill so you say thank you so much then he says It was nothing.

Example :
You - Thank you so much for this.
Your friend - It was nothing or Don't mention it.

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RapidEng Learn Spoken English


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