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The life and success story of Bill Gates in English - RapidEng Learn Spoken English

The life and success story of Bill Gates and Bill Gates success quotes

         If you are born in a poor family, it is not your fault, but if you die poorly, it is your fault to say that the richest man of this world is Bill Gates who has come to this point on the strength of his true perseverance and hard work. Even if he has a separate country in this world, that country will be 37th richest country in the world. Bill Gates earns about Rs 102 cores each day and it is said that if Bill Gates distributes equal money of his property to every human being all over the world, every person will have Rs  5000.

     Bill Gates real name is William Henry Gates, born October 28, 1955, in Washington. His father was William H. Gates who used to be a famous lawyer. His parents sat down for him with a dream of becoming a career in law, but Bill was very much interested in computers and his programming languages since childhood. His elementary education took place at Lakeside school. The school was given a computer to students to learn the computers at the Lakeside School and learn more from them. That further increased Bill Gates interest in computers.

     Bill was more interested in knowing how it works than learning computers. After a few years of computer information, he created a program called Tik Tac Toe in the language of the basic computer at the age of 13, which was a kind game. The main thing was that anyone could play that game with a computer means two people were not required to play that game. It was at the time of schooling that Bill Gates met Paul Allen who was 2 years senior to him. They both become good friends because of their computer's perceptions and ideas. 

   On the other hand, their nature was not found at all. Paul Allen was very shy and calm in nature of his disparant. Bill Gates schoolers had barred him and his friend Allen from going to computer lab because they both left their studies in addition to moment of learning computers and spent all the time in the lab and teased with computers. Later, the two were allowed to come back to the lab on the condition that they would emerge errors in the programs. At the same time, Gates created another software program that worked in the school's time table schedule. In 1970s, at the age of 15 Bill Gates and Allen teamed up to create programs that monitor's City traffic patterns. They got 20000 dollars for this program, which was their first earnings.

   In 1973, he passed through the Lakeside School after he took admission at Howard University. But Bill Gates left college in 1975 without graduation and began to pay attention to his company. On November 26, 1976 he registered Microsoft as a company and got the highest position in the world of computer software. Even in the property of Bill Gates, their children will have no right. The Bill says that they will give good education to their children, but they have to get their own way to earn. Gates liked to help the people since childhood, and today they donate crores of rupees every year to help the poor and need. Gates never gave up his life.

     That is what he always believed. 
     Mistakes are made by all, but those who try to rectify mistakes are successful in life.

Thank you, Learn English with Rapideng.


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