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Cool Summer Clothing Style Vocabulary (Men & Women) | RapidEng - Learn Spoken English

Cool Summer Clothing Style Vocabulary (Men & Women) | RapidEng - Learn Spoken English

Hello English Learners, Today's we're going to talk about clothes that you should wear in summer to remain cool I've lifted out some clothes.

  1. Sundress
  2. Bikini
  3. Halter
  4. Skater
  5. Tankini
  6. Bermuda
  7. Kaftans
  8. Shorts

These are for the women and these are for the men.

1. Sundress (cotton, airy, sleeveless dress) :

Now every woman loves wearing a sundress but what exactly is a sundress? So it's a cotton dress which is sleeveless which is slightly loose and which is very airy. So I'm gonna claim this is a cotton, airy, sleeveless dress okay sometimes it has the print of flowers on it and it is mostly in summary colors like white and pistils and it looks very very pretty and it keeps the body very very cool.

2. Bikini (2 pieces, swimsuit)

Now, what is a bikini? A bikini is a two-piece swimsuit now it's a two-piece swimsuit which is very famous because a lot of women actually prepare for the summer by working on their bodies in order to get the perfect bikini body and this includes celebrities from all over the globe so yes that's why the bikini is very very famous.

3. Halter :

Now, what is a halter? Exactly now halter stands for a garment which is held together by two strings which are tied around the neck which means essentially the back is bare so you could be wearing a halter top or a
halter dress but your back will be bare and your dress or your garment will be held in place by two strings or two pieces of cloth tied together behind the neck.

4. Skater dress (fitted at the top but flare at the bottom) :

Now, these can really really Rock summer. A skater dress is derived from an ice skaters dress it's basically a dress that's fitted at the top but flare at the bottom okay so essentially the shape of the skater dress is something like this it's Larry at the bottom but its kind of fitted at the top. So that's what a skater dresses and it's again very cool in summer because of the kind of shot. They're almost silent and they think they can keep you really cool in summer.

5. Tankini (A tank top is a sleeveless top which is very very fitted) :

Now, what exactly is a tankini? it sounds like a bikini is close to a bikini but slightly different.  First of all, let me explain to you what a tank top is? A tank top is a sleeveless top which is very very fitted. Now imagine that it starts with a tank top and ends with a bikini bottom just like the bikini that would be a tankini. A tankini is a tank top plus a bikini bottom. Both the bikini and the tankini are used as swimwear whereas the sundress the halter the skater dress all of these can be used you know anywhere you could go shopping you could go for a party and they would all work just fine.

6. Bermudas (a pair of Loose shorts) :

What is it that the men like to wear in summer? I think men just love something called the Bermudez. The Bermudez is derived from the country Bermuda because a lot of people there end up wearing the Bermudas. What our Bermudas? They are actually a pair of loose shorts. They might have a string that kind of ties them together like a pajama has okay and these are very comfortable mostly made out of cotton they might have very interesting prints on them like you know trees and birds and beaches basically just meant for the summer and most men enjoy wearing the Bermudas over their swimming trunks on the beach and mostly these men are topless moving on the next thing that men like to wear in summers and these are generally men that I have seen in the Middle East okay sometimes even Asia they like to wear Catharines

7. Kaftan

now what is a caftan is a loose long straight dress for men actually yeah so it's like large it's straight it's losse it's almost like wearing a tent a slightly fitted tent but trust me it's a great thing to wear in the summers because it keeps your body absolutely cool no matter how high the temperature soars so, in fact, the best thing about caftans is that even women wear Catharines okay so women sometimes wear tops which are stitched like a caftan all they wear long pants or sometimes they wear Kirti's which are stitched like a calf man okay

8. Shorts

shots yes the very very famous very age-old shots okay so these are basically short pants so if you're going for a walk in the summer going through a jog you know if you're on the beach you know shots which are like shot bands you know almost like till the end of your thighs are what men prefer in summer now how shots different from the Bermudas okay so shots are different from the Bermudas because the meters are kindly size slightly longer okay and shots are shorter now shots could be made out of denim the same fabric that jeans are made up of or they could be made out of cotton but the Bermudas are always made of pure cotton so that's the difference between shots and Bermudas.


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