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Personality Development - RapidEng - Learn Spoken English

Personality  Development 

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           Personality is a wide term. The word 'Personality' is an abstract noun of the 'Common Noun'-Person. Personality means 'the appearance, characteristics and way of action of a person. Child is the father of man. It means, a child possesses. Child can not display his qualities as an elderly person can do.

Man is social animal -

         Man is a social animal. If a child is left helpless after birth, it will soon die because it can do nothing itself to survive. Thus, personality can be developed through the help of society. Without the help of society, man can neither eat nor drink nor can even walk. Even the birth of a child is impossible without the help of society.

Faculties of personality development : 

Faculties are the following :

(A) Family : Faculties is the first and foremost faculty for the development of personalities. Personality does not mere include straightness body. It includes habits, qualities, talents and characteristics of human being. Family helps a child to grow into a man or woman. It is the duty of every parents to make a harmonious development of their children. They must try their best to make them, the charters of happy life. Family is the first school for a child.

(B) Society : Society is another faculty for the development of the personality of man. As a child he plays in Society and notices what his elderly persons do. A child is copying creature. It copies what others do in society. So, it is our duty to do always good and noble things in presence of children. we must neither speak nor do evil before them. 

(C) Educational Institutes : Schools is the next faculty that is helpful in developing one's personality. As an adolescent boy or girl goes to school, In school, he or she is given all types of education. Students are given moral, physical, cultural and practical education.
         Talents of students are tested in schools or colleges through co-curricular activities. Great leaders, great orators, great patriots and great politicians are built in school and colleges. After leaving the college, the students come out as torch bears in society.

          Undoubtedly, educational institutions are the workshops of manufacturing students as good citizens but it is very regretted that, at present, students are not true disciples nor Gurus are true teachers. Students are being misled. The teachers are indulged in immoral acts. 

Thank you, Learn English with RapidEng


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