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Magical Tricks in Hindi for Vocabulary, learn vocab in easy way - RapidEng Learn Spoken English

       Hello English learner, Some peoples may have trouble remembering a vocab, but forget it all a few days later. So don't worry now. Friends today I'll tell you a way to remember a word that you'll always remember. I will tell you the the trick and repeat the tricks again and again and you will see that you will remember those words.
      In today, you will have 10 words with an example and some of their similar words.

These words are following:

1. Apparent - स्पष्ट

Similar words - Evident, Obvious

Trick 1 to learn - आप रेंट देकर सब स्पष्ट कर दीजिये |
Explanation - As you see here sound of 'आप रेंट' similar to Apparent and meaning of apparent(स्पष्ट) also in the sentence. 

Trick 2 to learn - अपने चोरी की है ये बात सबके सामने Apparent(स्पष्ट) है |

Example - It was at once apparent that she has changed.

2. Negate - मना करना

Similar words - Reject, Refuse

Trick 1 to learn - नए गेट को लेने से उसने मना कर दिया |
Explanation - In this sentence 'नए गेट' sound similar to Negate.

Trick 2 to learn - रेखा ने सबके सामने मेरा गिफ्ट लेने से Negate(मना) कर दिया |

Example - Instead of being interpreters of reality, concepts negate the inwardness of reality altogether.

3. Deliberate - विचार

Similar words - Ponder, Meditate

Trick 1 to learn - डेली ब्रेड खाने से पहले हमे विचार करना चाहिए |
Explanation - 'डेली ब्रेड' sound similar to Deliberate.

Trick 2 to learn - उसने चोरी करने से पहले ठीक से Deliberate(विचार) नहीं किया |

Example - Constance was deliberate with her reply.

4. Debase - मूल्य घटाना

Similar words - Disgrace, Dishonour

Trick 1 to learn - देवेश ने अपना मूल्य सबके सामने घटा लिया |
Explanation - As you can see 'देवेश' sounds similar to Debase.

Trick 2 to learn - रमेश को इतनी घटिया हरकत करके अपना Debase(मूल्य घटाना) नहीं चाहिए था | 

Example - Do not debase yourself and became lower than the beasts of the field.

5. Praise - प्रशंसा, तारीफ 

Similar words - Honour, Laud

Trick 1 to learn - प्रेस(News) वालो को हमेशा तारीफ होती है |
Explanation - Now the sound of Praise similar to 'प्रेस'. 

Trick 2 to learn - तुमने मेरी जान बचा के बड़े Praise(प्रशंसा) का काम किया है |

Example - The ancient historians praise them also.

6. Scorn - घृणा

Similar words - Detest, Despise

Trick 1 to learn - मैच के स्कोर ने मुझे घृणा करने पर मजबूर कर दिया |
Explanation - In this sentence you can see that 'स्कोर ने' sounds similar to Scorn.

Trick 2 to learn - तुम्हारी हरकतों को देखकर मुझे scorn(घृणा) हो रही है |

Example - A fine scorn came into her eyes.

7. Balmy - सुखदाई

Similar words - Pleasant, Cheerful

Trick 1 to learn - बाल्मीकि ने बड़ी सुखदाई रामायण लिखी थी |
Explanation - In the above sentence word बाल्मीकि remove बाल्मी sounds similar to Balmy.

Trick 2 to learn - मेरे घर का पंखा बड़ा Balmy(सुखदाई) है |

Example - It was a balmy day.

8. Applaud - प्रशंसा करना

Similar words - Laud, Praise

Trick 1 to learn - आप लोगो की हमेशा प्रशंसा होती है |
Explanation - Sound of 'आप लोग' looks like Applaud.

Trick 2 to learn - मेरे पिता तुम्हारी बहुत Applaud(प्रशंसा) करते है |

Example - They applaud a boy with spirit.

9. Humanity- मानवता

Similar words - Generosity, Benevolence

Trick 1 to learn - हमने अपनी मानवता समाप्त कर दी है |
Explanation - 'हमने' sounds similar to Humanity.

Trick 2 to learn - आज कल इंसानो में जरा भी Humanity(मानवता) नहीं बची है |

Example - It was not Raju who failed there, but humanity itself.

10. Refined - शुद्ध

Similar words - Humane, Cultured

Trick 1 to learn - रिफाइंड आयल में समोसे बड़े शुद्ध बनते है | 

Trick 2 to learn - इंसान का चरित्र हमेशा refined(शुद्ध) रहना चाहिए |

Example - The refined products have various users.

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