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Difference between American English and British English words

        Hello English learners, when you are reading a book, there are some words that you think these are their spelling i had read something else and it is something else that is wrong and what is the right way to find out. So you don't worry about it, today you'll have some words with you to find out that what is right and what is wrong with examples and full explanation with meaning.

            These words mean the same and their spelling depends on the country where the word is written. First, we look as it through an example.

Color or Colour

            Now the question arise that what is the difference between color and colour? Both words mean the same thing and their spelling depends on the country where the word is written.

                   American English                                    British English
            Color                        =                           Colour

American English : What is your car color ?
British English :   What is your car colour ?
         This difference of OR in American English and OUR in British English also appears in some words. 

  • flavor = flavour 
  • humor = humour 
  • labor = labour
  • neighbor = neighbour

Now look at the some other words it has the same meaning but their spelling is different.

The difference of ER in American English and RE in British English.
  • center = centre
  • fiber = fibre
  • liter = litre

Thank you, Keep learning


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