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100+ English sentences used in daily life - RapidEng Learn Spoken English


         Hello English Learners, Today I will tell you 100 English sentences used in daily life, Which you can use while talking to someone. Subscribe us to improve your English. Share this post to your friends. if you have any doubt please let me know.

These sentences are following:

1. He was just behind me.

2. He is her friend.

3. What happened?

4. I can peel an apple.

5. There are five pencils here.

6. This is little gift for you.

7. I went to Boston by train.

8. I want to learn how to swim.

9. I can't do anything else.

10. It almost never rains here.

11. Do you know the reason?

12. I wish our classroom were air-conditioned.

13. Don't worry about that.

14. We had a very hot summer this year. -

15. My sister is having a baby in June.

16. The car is very fast. -

17. He got up earlier than usual.

18. The boy tried moving the heavy sofa.

19. I want to eat simething.

20. He was very happy.

21. The girls began to laugh.

22. I'm sorry, I dropped my knife.

23. Please pass me the butter.

24. We saw clouds above the mountain.

25. My telephone is out of order.

26. The fruiet went bad.

27. That is running.

28. I'm waiting for the bus.

29. He was patient.

30. The boy ran away.

31. Do you go to school by bus?

32. He couln't understand the sentence.

33. Add a little sugar in cream.

34. I go home early everyday.

35. I must return home within a week.

36. How far is it from here?

37. He is still young.

38. It's up to you to decide.

39. Can I use this bike?

40. English difficult to learn.

41. I went for a walk in the park.

42. The door is open now.

43. For here, or to go?

44. What are they made of?

45. Everybody likes him.

46. Get me a chair please.

47. I'm glad to see you.

48. I have an allergy to milk.

49. I'm so happy.

50. How long have you known her?

51. I must visit my friend in the hospital.

52. They made me go there.

53. I know she is sleeping.

54. Is there a curfew?

55. He is very depressed.

56. Not all children like apples.

57. This book isn't interesting at all.

58. He is watching TV.

59. Would you please stop talking.

60. Ask him when the next plane leaves.

61. I don't like cheese very much.

62. What did you talk about?

63. I hope today's ball game won't be canceled.

64. Where can I rent a car?

65. The weather forecast is not necessarily reliable.

66. My joints ache.

67. I wish I could fly like a bird.

68. She is wealthy woman.

69. Will you please call me this evening?

70. My mother cut the cake.

71. What time to we leave tomorrow?

72. My father died of lung cancer.

73. What;s your daughter's name?

74. You may give the book to whoever wants it.

75. She lives quite close by.

76. Were you playing tennis yesterday mourning?

77. Is he your teacher.

78. I am sorry to hear that.

79. We arrived at the office on time.

80. He is afraid of becoming sick.

81. I'd like to have a coffee.

82. His hands were empty.

83. You will never realize what I went through.

84. is is still raining?

85. He began running.

86. Will you have another cup of milk?

87. i have to comb my hair.

88. I don't like this sweater.

89. All of my friends like soccer.

90. My house is near the station.

91. Do it right now, before you forget.

92. I will introduce her busband to you.

93. I'll be busy tomorrow.

94. This flower is beautiful, isn't it?

95. Our refrigerator is out of order.

96. He was married to her sister.

97. He has no children.

98. Don't let me down.

99. I wonder if the plane will arrive on time.

100. She kept him waiting for a long time.

Thank you, Keep learning English with RapidEng - Learn Spoken English


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