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Some Basic English Phrases You'll Use Over And Over - RapidEng Learn Spoken English

Some Basic English Phrases You'll Use Over And Over

       Hello English Learner's, today we will learn some golden English phrases that we use in our daily life. You can impress your friends in your office, at home by using these words in your English, that's how good you speak English. These are the words we will learn with examples. 

These phrases are as follows :

1. How's it going
2. Thank's so much
3. I have heard a lot about you
4. I really appreciate 
5. I am sorry
6. What do you think
7. That's sound great 
8. Give it a go 
9. Hang on a sec
10. Running out of time

Now we will learn that where we can use these phrases:-

1. How's it going: 

         When you met someone and you don't understand how to start talking to them, you can start with this phrase from them. 

You - How' it going.
they - Nothing much.

2. Thank's so much:

        If someone helps you do something, you can say them Thank's so much.

Your friend - It's some money for you on my behalf.
You - Thank's so much for this my friend.

3. I have heard a lot about you:

         Imagine, your friend's husband is getting the first time and your friend keeps telling you everything about her husband, so when you meet her husband for the first time you already hearing a lot about them in such a situation you can use tell them this "I've heard a lot about you".

Your friend's husband - Hi, I am your friends husband Peter.
You - I know I have heard a lot about you.

4. I really appreciate:

          If one of your friends is praising you, So you can use this phrase "I really appreciate"

Your friend - You are very good in mathematics.
You - oh ! I really appreciate.

5. I am sorry:

         If you're on the way and you're hit someone at the same time, you'll say "I am sorry". If you don't say so, they will feel that you are very proud and maybe then he would even say bad to you. This phrase shows that how mannered person you are.

You - Oh ! I am sorry, I can not see you.
They - No matter what.

6. What do you think ?

          If you have to paint in your home and you can't select it, paint white or blue. then you can say to your wife that "what do you think ?".

You - Which paint will be fine, blue or white. What do you think ?
Your wife - Blue paint will be fine.

7. That's sound great:

      If you have been with your friend in shopping mall, you told your friend that which one dress will be fine, when she says that black will be right. You can say that "That's sound great".

You - Which dress will be fine black or white ?
Your friend - Black will be fine.
You - That's sound great.

8. Give it a go:

     You've been in a restaurant with your girlfriend and Pav bhaji is very famous there. But your girlfriend doesn't like it and you wanted that once he eats it, you can tell them "Give it a go".

Your girlfriend - I don't eat it.
You - Give it a go.

Note : Give it a go means you should try.

9. Hang on a sec:

       When you are talking someone on the phone and suddenly the doorbell rings and you have to go to open the gate so from which you were talking on the phone, you can say that "Hang on a sec".

You - Hang on a sec, I have to go to open the gate.

10. Running out of time:

           When you are in exam when your teacher uses that phrase shortly before the exam is over "students you are running out of time".

Teacher - Students submit your answer sheets, you are running out of time.
You - Hang on a sec, madam.

Thank you, Learn English with Rapideng.


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