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Rishi Kapoor's Biography, Education, Family And His Filmy Care - RapidEng Learn Spoken English

Rishi Kapoor's Biography, Education, Family, Films And His Filmy Career

          Our country loses many great personalities one after other today one of them has also joined legendary Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor ji passes away. Today we will discuss some of the important stories related to his life of Shri Rishi Kapoor.


          Rishi Kapoor is also a producer as well as an actor, Rishi Kapoor is known as the chocolaty hero in his youth. Rishi Kapoor belongs to a family that has made very important contributions to Bollywood. Rishi Kapoor's filmy career has hundreds of films. He has also named several awards. About his life introduction Rishi Kapoor was born on September 4, 1952 at Chambur in Mumbai. Rishi Kapoor is the son of Bollywood showman Mr. Raj Kapoor. His nick name was chintu. Rishi Kapoor also have two brothers Randhir Kapoor and Rajiv Kapoor, both are Bollywood actors.

About Education:

           About his education, he had his elementary education with his brothers at Campion School, Mumbai and he had further studies from Mayo College, Ajmer.


           Now about his personal life he has married to Bollywood actress Neetu Kapoor, both Neetu and Rishi had dated for five years. After that, the marriage was tied to bondage. Rishi Kapoor also has two childrens Ranveer Kapoor and Ridhima Kapoor. Ranveer Kapoor is called a chocolaty hero like his father. Rishi Kapoor's daughter Ridhima Kapoor is married to businessman Bharat Sahani. Bollywood's leading actoress Kareena Kapoor and karshima Kapoor are also his nieces.

Filmy Career:

          If we discuss about his filmy career, he was always interested in films because he was from the filmy family. Rishi Kapoor had debut in Bollywood from his father's film 'mera Naam Joker' in the 1970s. He played a childhood role in the film. Rishi Kapoor had debut from the film Bobby in 1973 as an actor. His heroine in the film was Dimple Kapadia. Rishi Kapoor played a romantic hero role in almost 100 films. He starred in 51 films as a solo lead. Rishi Kapoor was one of the coming-of-age chocholate hero. It is said Rishi Kapoor starred in 12 films with his wife. Rishi Kapoor started his career with a romantic hero but the character of Agneepath's movie villain role has been appreciated by the people. Rishi Kapoor received the IIFA award for negative role in Agneepath.

About his films:

        Rishi Kapoor some important films are Bobby, Chandni, Deewana, Naagin, Premrog, Kapoor and sons, Amar Akbar Anthony, Heena, Mera Naam Joker, Karz, Laila Majnu, Prem Granth have given to the Bollywood. Today, In the end, he has left the word in the hospital in Mumbai due to cancer disease on April 30, 2020. 

"A soulful tribute to him from our side."

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